Each of our yoga classes can be adjusted in level of difficulty to meet your needs.

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  • Coral SUP Yoga classes

    Duration: 1 hr

    Price: $70

    Date: 5/3 2022 -


    SUP Yoga is a mix of yoga and a marine sport known as stand up paddle board. It is a new kind of exercise activity.


    SUP Yoga(サップヨガ)とは、「ヨガ」とマリンスポーツ「SUP=スタンドアップパドルボード」を組み合わせた新感覚のエクササイズ系アクティビティです。


  • Q. Is it okay for a person like me who isn’t very athletic?

    The most important thing in yoga is to face our body and mind through movement and postures. Even if you are not athletic you can feel at ease to start learning.


    Q. 運動が苦手な人でも大丈夫ですか?


  • Q. I don’t have a SUP board. Can I still attend the classes?

    Yes, we will be lending the equipment necessary for the lessons. However, we do ask that you bring your own clothes(in which you can move freely in water), beach towel, sunscreen, and drink.


    Q. SUPボードは持っていませんが参加できますか?


  • Q. I am afraid of the waves, is that okay?

    There is a breakwater and we will be doing yoga on the inside, so the waves will be calm. Even if you do fall, the water won’t be very deep so it shouldn’t be an issue.


    Q. 波が怖いのですが大丈夫ですか?!


  • Ayaka Suzuki Crilley

    She is known as the first Japanese world bodyboard champion! She starts yoga to be fit to compete with incredible bodyboarders around the world. You can attend her lessons if you are ever to visit Hawaii. We will welcome you with open arms!



  • Tomoko Uda Kaneta

    The starter of the company. She got into an accident during her college years and learns about yoga and bodyboarding as a way to recover from her injuries. Then she went on to study and become an acupuncturist. However, she went back to yoga and in 2010, she started working as a yoga instructor. As of 2019, she is able to teach yoga in both English and Japanese.



What's SUP Yoga?

SUP Yoga is an acronym for stand up paddle board which is a marine activity where you do yoga on top of the board. It is becoming popular since it is a new sort of sport you can do surrounded by nature. An amazing part about this is that you can do this under the Hawaiian blue sky and on top of the crystal clear ocean. Since doing Yoga on top of a board requires balance it is very effective as a way to train yourself. The slow rocking motion of the board can also make you feel relaxed and refreshed. Both instructors has over 18 years of experience with bodyboarding and one of them, Ayaka, is a world champion! Would you like to join them to have a wonderful experience in the ocean?


SUP Yogaとは stand up paddle board 略称であり、ボードの上でYogaをするマリンアクティビティ。近年自然と一体になれる新しいスポーツとして気急上昇。SUP Yogaの魅力はズバリ!『ハワイ』の青空の下、海の上という大自然のフィールドの上でYogaができる!サーフボードの上でバランスコントロールしながらYogaをするので体幹が鍛えられ、トレーニング効果が高い!!海の上に浮かんでゆらゆら揺れることでリラックス&リフレッシュ効果も期待できる。インストラクターは2人ともボディーボード歴18年以上!AYAKAはボディーボード世界チャンピオン!海とYogaはまさにライフワーク。私たちと一緒に海の魅力を存分に味わってみませんか??

Location: Kahanamoku Beach